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Daniele Zambelli

Daniele Zambelli

Daniele Zambelli

Daniele Zambelli from Università degli Studi in Milan in January 2020, discussing a thesis in Criminal Law with the title “Il delitto di associazione mafiosa e la sua problematica applicazione alla criminalità organizzata cinese” (Crime of Mafia’s association and its applicability on Chinese Organizided Crime), under the supervision of Prof. Fabio Basile.

Prior to his collaboration with Studio Legale CM & Partners, where he is mainly enagaged with Civil Law and Insurance Law , succesfully concluded an Internship as per ex art. 73 d.l. 69/2013 at the Milan Penal Tribunal where Daniele mainly worked on crimes against the Public Administration and Environment. In 2020, Daniele has succesfully concluded a postgraduate degree at the Università degli Studi di Milano in White collar crimes and their preventative actions [Criminalità dei colletti bianchi e misure di prevenzione”, deeping his knowledge in matters of crimes against P.A. and Corporate crimes.

In 2018, Daniele partecipated to the Exchange Student Program at the Chinese Univerisity Kenneth Wang School of Law, Soochow University di Suzhou (Jangsu) where he delved in matters pertaining International Law.

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